Monday, May 17, 2010

Immigration reform-Racial Profiling

Critics of the latest Arizona law pass are conserned about racial profiling. Jan Brewer was defended the bill she signed by saying, "ethnic profiling will not be tolerated under the law she signed in April."-Fox
Despite critics, Fox News reported they aren't the only people who have worries, but Arizona's police force as well. As the sheriff's department defends the law by saying, "This is just another law. I am not concerned about the hype, the threats, the racial profiling" accusations, Arpaio said. "We are talking about illegal immigration -- that when you cross that border, you have broken the law."- Arpaio (Fox News) so arent so sure. Another sheriff does not agree with the law because of the expense. He believes it was the fedral governments job to take care of the problem, which it seems has done quite the opposite. Now that Arizona was so proactive about their Bill passing the Fedral government is basically frowning upon them, as well as other states. California for example has now boycotted Arizona. To me this is Ironic because we are supposed to all be one nation, if we cannot compromise we will be in a real squaller.

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