Thursday, May 20, 2010

President Obama and Mexican President Calderon Chew on Arizona Immigration Law while Spouses Share an Awkward Moment

President Obama and Mexican President, Felipe Calderon met for dinner on Wednesday, May 19th to chew on the finer points of the Mexican-United States Border policy. Also present were Vice President Joseph Biden Jr. and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Both Obama and Calderon denounced the recent approval of the Arizona Immigration Bill. Obama called it “a misdirected expression of frustration over our broken immigration system

However, Obama clearly laid the ground work for construction of the national immigration proposal and also defended his record on border security. Obama also used this event to help push Congress to pass legislation to increase enforcement of the immigration law and create an avenue for illegal immigrants to pay a fine and back taxes.

President Calderon said “Many Mexicans now face discrimination and we will retain our firm rejection to criminalize migration so that people that work and provide things to this nation will be treated as criminals.”

While the two Presidents were dining, Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Calderon attended a Maryland Elementary School to showcase healthy living. The first ladies took some questions from a few students.

One girl asked Mrs. Obama “Is the President was going to send everyone away that doesn’t have papers?” She replied. Yeah, well, that’s something we have to work on, right? To make sure that people can be here with the right papers.”

The little girl said, “But my Mom doesn’t have papers.”

Mrs. Obama seemed perplexed, and said “We will have to work on that, we have to fix that and everyone has to work together in Congress to make sure that happens.”

Many people hope this will have a powerful impression on Mrs. Obama, whom until now has been mostly removed from the nation’s problem with immigration..
Reference: NY Time May 19th, Peter Baker

Critics who haven't read the bill.

As I was watching Fox News today I was humbled. Eric Holder who is the head of the Justice department and Janet Napolitano who is the secratry of homeland secerity havent even read the Bill of Immigration reform. When asked by John McCain, Janet Napolitano told John McCain she had been breifed on the Bill but hadn't accually read all of it. Keep in mind the Bill is only 10 pages long. Eric Holder was asked multiple times if he had read the Bill before the interview and he also was a critic who hadn't read the bill. Earlier Eric Holder spoke of the Bill would lead to racial profiling but as mention earlier hasnt accually read it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Immigration reform-Racial Profiling

Critics of the latest Arizona law pass are conserned about racial profiling. Jan Brewer was defended the bill she signed by saying, "ethnic profiling will not be tolerated under the law she signed in April."-Fox
Despite critics, Fox News reported they aren't the only people who have worries, but Arizona's police force as well. As the sheriff's department defends the law by saying, "This is just another law. I am not concerned about the hype, the threats, the racial profiling" accusations, Arpaio said. "We are talking about illegal immigration -- that when you cross that border, you have broken the law."- Arpaio (Fox News) so arent so sure. Another sheriff does not agree with the law because of the expense. He believes it was the fedral governments job to take care of the problem, which it seems has done quite the opposite. Now that Arizona was so proactive about their Bill passing the Fedral government is basically frowning upon them, as well as other states. California for example has now boycotted Arizona. To me this is Ironic because we are supposed to all be one nation, if we cannot compromise we will be in a real squaller.

Info got at

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

National Immigration Reform May Create “Mother of All Backlogs”

The Department of Homeland Security has warned the Obama Administration and Congress, the proposed approval of a National Immigration Bill would create a backlog of paperwork like they have never seen before. The reason for this gigantic backlog of work, the U.S Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) is just beginning to convert from paper to electronic record keeping. The timeframe to completion is two to three years.
The USCIS is an agency of the Department Homeland Security and handles immigrant applications. Currently this agency handles nearly 6 million applications per year. The USCIS currently employs 18,000 workers and contractor. They have 250 offices across the world. Currently, Alejandro Mayorkas is the director of USICS. He is working with Janet Napolitano, head of the current immigration reform. Janet Napolitano, a former governor of Arizona, is the Homeland Security Secretary in the Obama administration.
If a new national immigration Bill is approved, it could add another 12 million applications to this already overworked agency. One part of the proposed Immigration Bill four pillars is to make illegal immigrant legal through the already established immigration application process.
Assistant Inspector General of the Homeland Security Department, Frank Deffer said in the House Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee “the added 12 million applications would create a severe backlog at the USCIS.”
The USCIS Director, Alejandro Mayorkas was more confident after the hearing and said “The USCIS will be ready for Comprehensive reform when enacted.” He also expects Congress to give the agency more resources should the bill pass. The current FY 2011 proposed budget is 2.8 billion in funding of which 2.4 billion in revenue fee and 386 million in appropriations. This is 162 million above FY 2010.
One of the biggest concerns of the New Immigration Reform other than increased future costs, is if immigration background checks will be easily overlooked amongst backlogs and the increased workloads

References; US Immigration Newsletter April 2010, United States Citizen and Immigration Website , NY Times Julie Preston October 2009

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are nations behind the Reform?

That seems to be the question. Are other countries behind and allies behind the immigration reform? FOx News has reports that Guatemala is behind the latest addition of the bill. During the last stay of Foreign minister sated that Guatemala was on board along with other counrties.
Although the last Immigration reform failed in 2007 with more counrties behind the bill, Obama and the democratric party may have some hope.
Why are other counrties so eager to help us? Well to answer that the immigration reform "thrust the issue to the front of U.S. relations with Mexico and Central America."-Fox News
What happens next?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Will Obama Crack Under the Pressure of Fellow Democrats to get Immigration Reform Passed this Year?

A key Democratic leader, Senator Robert Menendez D-NJ, and a few other Democrats are pressuring President Obama to treat immigration reform with more urgency. Menendez said “Telling people we’re not going to get legislation solution this year or to suggest its not possible this year is not in the best interest of the nation.” Menendez has asked the White House for an Immigration Summit to discuss the issue.

The White House’s response has been consistent. President Obama’s press secretary, Robert Gibb’s said, “There has not been enough support to move it forward.” When asked about the possibility of an Immigration Summit he said, “We are continuing to examine all of the options for moving forward with bipartisan support.”

At the same time Senator Charles Schumer D-NY is trying to hold off Arizona’s Immigration Bill until a national bill is in place. Schumer asked Governor Brewer of Arizona to delay enactment of the new bill. Delaying this action would require state legislation action. Arizona official were mum on the request. Schumer also asked Brewer to assist him on the recruitment of GOP votes to get the national bill to position it for legislation action. So, far no Republications have agreed to lend support.

Business as usual on Capitol Hill?

Reference: The Los Angeles Times May 6th 2010, Nicholas

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

November election and Immigration

According to democrats find it important to move forward with the immigration reform before November. The reason given is because Arizona went forth with the law. When I read this statement it acually upset me. I don't understand why people are so angry to have to show identification. It is a law if you are over the age of 16 and a police office asks you for idfentification, you can be taken to jail. If I have to cover my basis, being a citizen, why shouldnt they?

"Our folks were serious about immigration reform before, but Arizona has added to the urgency," a senior Democratic aide told Reuters.

I ask if you have nothing to hide than why not show your ID?

Most Americans Want Immigration Overhall NY Times Poll Shows

The Poll from the NY Times Poll conducted on May 4th,2010 with 1,079 adults suggests most Americans want Immigration Reform at the National level, however it also suggests they are divided on how to tackle this problem.
This issue goes across party lines, 57%, Americans said that the "Federal government should determine the laws addressing illegal immigration." Most Americans,78%, agree however "The US should be doing more to help keeps illegal immigrants out and our borders more secure."
Some opinions have remained stable. Most Americans agree immigrants weaken the economy rather than strenghten it. 75% surveyed said illegalimmigrants were a drain on the economy because they did not pay their share of taxes or public services.
Thus far there is no bill in Congress and President Obama is not confident enough to say this issue will be addressed this year.]
From NY Times Tuesday May 4th Additon by Archibald and Thee-Breehan

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Immigration Reform - A Dangerous Squabble

Why rush immigration reform? Other Bill's are infront of the immigration bill, but yet "the government" insist on moving forward. The NY Times mentioned re-elections, I couldnt agree more. The reason the senators are so anxious about getting the bill moving forward is because congress is going to be taken by the republicans in November.

Some senators are angry because their bills are being passed up, and over looked. Even bills that are equally important. I predict reality sincking in November elections.

Democrats Offer Invitation to G.O.P. to Join in on Immigration Reform Plan

On Thursday of this week, top Democrats further drafted an outline of a proposed immigration bill. New additions to this framework bill include a new fraud resistant Social Security Card and a direct enhancement of border security. They offer an invitation for the Republican to join in and move forward on this bill.

Senator Harry Reid-D of Nevada, majority leader, said at a new conference on Thursday afternoon. “Our immigration system is broken. We’re offering this framework as an invitation to our Republican colleagues to work with us to solve this problem that has plagued our country for too long.”

Senator Reid, who is facing re-election, put this on the agenda last week. He caught many of his fellow senators off guard when He told a group of pro-immigration voters he intended to pursue this legislation. Reid seemed to be giving the immigration bill priority over the climate bill.

This angered many senators, including Senator Graham R-South Carolina who vowed to drop out of talks with democrats on the climate bill if they rushed an immigration bill through. Reid said it was” not logical to use immigration as an excuse to not help on the climate bill.” He exclaimed he needed the help of the other “40 Republicans” and was not directing his comments directly at Senator Graham.

Republicans are still skeptical an immigration reform would happen this year. The House Republican leader, John Boehner said “There is not a chance that immigration is going to move through Congress.”

Senator Schumer D-New York, disagreed. He said, “If I did not believe we could accomplish immigration reform, I would have never have chosen to accept the immigration subcommittee chairmanship.”

It will be a difficult task ahead but as Obama said, ‘We can no longer wait to fix our broken immigration system, which Democrats and Republicans agree doesn’t work.”