Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sen.Schumer and Graham lead Obama's Immigration Reform Bill

Sen. Chuck Schumer D-NY & Sen. Lindsey Graham R-S.C.

Obama is moving ahead with work on the Immigration Bill and has appointed Sen. Chuck Schumer of NY and Lindsey Graham of S.C to construct an outline of this bill.

The outline calls for Illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law, pay a fine and back taxes, and perform community services to gain leagl status. They would aslo be required to pass background checks and be able to speak English.

Obama congratulated Senitors Graham and Schumer for their leadership and bipartisan spirit on this very important issue. Obama hinted this is only an outline until we get to a full comprhensive immigration reform.

Obama has made a promise for this to be a top priority in his first year of office.

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