Saturday, April 24, 2010

Arizona State Immigration Bill Signed! Obama Pissed !

Governer Jan Brewer signed a new Arizona State Immigration Bill on Friday April 23rd. This Bill would make it a state law to be in the country illegally. It allows local police officers to question and examine people about their immigration status then charge them with a crime if convicted. Another provision of the bill make it illegal to hire any illegal immigrants for day labor. Arizona has roughly 460,000 illegal immigrants.
The prime motivation for this bill, according to the Representive Pearce and Governor Brewer, is the thought it will create lower taxes, create safer enviroment, create smaller class sizes leading to better education and create lower state health care spending.
President Obama was not happy with this news. This bill undermines the National Immigration Bill waiting in Washington according to President Obama. . Obama has instructed the Justice Department to examine the bill to see if it is legal. Obama said, "The recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well the trust of police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe," He further called it "irreponsible." He and other critics believe it opens a door to "racial profiling."
Other on Capitol Hill did not share the same feelings as Obama. Representative Russell Pearce of Mesa, AZ said "Obama and other critics of the bill were against law enforcement, our citizens and the rule of the law." He exclaimed " Illegal is illegal!"
The Arizona Immigration Bill offically goes into effect in 90 days after the legislative session ends.

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