Friday, April 30, 2010

Fire is Burning on Immigration Issue: A Re-election Concern for Both Parties. While Passing a National Immigration Bill has cooled to a small cinder.

Everyone with re-election concerns seems to be jumping on the Immigration reform bandwagon. Senator John McCain of R-Arizona, Senator Harry Reid D- Nevada and Senator Candidate Marco Rubio R-Florida all face tough elections in the coming year and now have come to life on this burning issue. All have high Hispanic populations that could prove the difference in the election ahead. All agree that immigration reform is a combustible issue and that an immigration flare up has engulfed Washington. All believe this is a key component for their election.

Senator Reid D-Nevada, the Democratic Majority Leader, announced this week that the Senate would take up the immigration bill. Reid would like to make this a clear issue. He is up to a tough re-election and believes the Hispanic voters could prove key to his re-election. This news from Reid came to a great surprise to Senator Graham of South Carolina, the leading Republican in this new reform. He said “Reid is making a mistake trying to push something through.”

For all the recent heated debates, it is unlikely national immigration bill will be passed this year in Congress. This is a red hot topic re-election topic but no Republicans are will to work with the White House on this reform. There is only small chance that Democrats have enough votes to start the flame burning. Some democrats believe the chances are much better in 2011, particularly if jobless rates drop and Hispanic continue to grow as a viable election force. Obama concurred when He said “The only way that’s going to happen is if Democrats and Republicans come together and do this." That sounds like a small chance in you know where.

It will be a challenge ahead for democrats and republicans alike to withstand the heat and not get burnt by the complexities and high emotions that were set in to motion by passing of the New Arizona Immigration. They will try to leverage this as a campaign platform, but is it really going to happen at the national level?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Immigration Reform

Information got from
One more thing I wanted to mention is that the reform wants to " set legal immigration at the lowest feasible levels" -FAIR I also wanted to mention it states that there wouldn't discriminate towards color, race, ect.
One thing I read about was keeping wage at a reasonable rate, which is lateral with how many people allowed into the counrty. My quastion to all is, are we going to get over populated?
The last thing I think is important enough to mention is after illegals are legalized and we all have equal rights under the law Affirmative action?

Sen.Schumer and Graham lead Obama's Immigration Reform Bill

Sen. Chuck Schumer D-NY & Sen. Lindsey Graham R-S.C.

Obama is moving ahead with work on the Immigration Bill and has appointed Sen. Chuck Schumer of NY and Lindsey Graham of S.C to construct an outline of this bill.

The outline calls for Illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law, pay a fine and back taxes, and perform community services to gain leagl status. They would aslo be required to pass background checks and be able to speak English.

Obama congratulated Senitors Graham and Schumer for their leadership and bipartisan spirit on this very important issue. Obama hinted this is only an outline until we get to a full comprhensive immigration reform.

Obama has made a promise for this to be a top priority in his first year of office.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Arizona State Immigration Bill Signed! Obama Pissed !

Governer Jan Brewer signed a new Arizona State Immigration Bill on Friday April 23rd. This Bill would make it a state law to be in the country illegally. It allows local police officers to question and examine people about their immigration status then charge them with a crime if convicted. Another provision of the bill make it illegal to hire any illegal immigrants for day labor. Arizona has roughly 460,000 illegal immigrants.
The prime motivation for this bill, according to the Representive Pearce and Governor Brewer, is the thought it will create lower taxes, create safer enviroment, create smaller class sizes leading to better education and create lower state health care spending.
President Obama was not happy with this news. This bill undermines the National Immigration Bill waiting in Washington according to President Obama. . Obama has instructed the Justice Department to examine the bill to see if it is legal. Obama said, "The recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well the trust of police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe," He further called it "irreponsible." He and other critics believe it opens a door to "racial profiling."
Other on Capitol Hill did not share the same feelings as Obama. Representative Russell Pearce of Mesa, AZ said "Obama and other critics of the bill were against law enforcement, our citizens and the rule of the law." He exclaimed " Illegal is illegal!"
The Arizona Immigration Bill offically goes into effect in 90 days after the legislative session ends.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The immigration reform legislation being considered by Congress

This is my first post.

Our group ( Shafer, Williams and Stansbury) to discuss the immigration reform being considered in Congress.

Doug Shafer